Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Body Bashing.

Love your body, any size that it is. Easy for me to say right? I'm skinny and therefor I have no problems. You couldn't be anymore off. I have insecurities and I have my entire life. I have gotten bullied for being skinny on countless occasions. So many times I have tried to gain weight, at LEAST ten pounds. I tried and tried and to no  result have I gained. To give you perspective here, I am 5'3, I weight about 103 pounds (46.72 kilograms) right now.  According to this chart and my doctor I am underweight. 
Although it makes me feel helpless at times I have been learning to accept that. I am built the way I am because that is how my genetics worked out. I have a long line of women in my family who are all tiny ladies.
Yet even with my road to self acceptance, I am often haunted by the comments I receive. It is a daily occurrence for me to receive insults, not as easily spotted as "You're so ugly" more along the lines of "OMG, you're so skinny", "Do you ever eat?", "I used to be small like you, until I started eating", or "Oh stop complaining, you have nothing to worry about".
It is the EXACT same thing, telling a thicker girl to lose weight as telling a thin girl to gain weight. Yet for some reason it is socially acceptable to tell me to "eat something".
Let's get something straight, I love food! I always have and yet if I were to even mention that in a conversation I would get dirty looks. Never mind shopping, every girl thinks that is she were skinnier that shopping would be so much better, that she could fit in things better. That is very wrong, I often leave department stores in tears. I can never find pants that fit, they always are too big around the waist. I have to tightly belt my work pants, even things like skirts and dresses are a struggle. Yet if I were to even mention this to someone I would get ripped at, telling me to shut up and to stop looking for attention.
It's just things like friends at school or family members say that are suppose to be a joke that upset me. I smile and go along with it but on the inside I am crying. It's not fair that my weight comes up in every conversation. It's not fair that my body type is labeled as "ugly and disgusting" or that I get dirty looks during gym class. I would say the worst of all is the total invasion of privacy. I have countless times had people I know or not grab my hips or wrists and say "WOW, your wrists are so small". It is nearly impossible for me to meet someone without the making a comment about my wrists.
Just please, all I'm asking is for you to think about what you say. I am not gross, I am not anorexic, I am a real woman. I am only asking for the same amount of respect that I give you.  I think that body's of every shape and size should be respected.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring In My Step.

Today felt like summer. I wore a jean jacket to school and when walking home I was sweating. It's barely half way though March. This weather has been very unlike Canada. I can't say I mind, it has been wonderful not having to wear tights. 

Skirt: Vintage, Shirt; thrifted, Shoes: UO 

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Enjoy the fantastic weather!