Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am Joan Gabriel...

I am Joan Alice Gabriel. I currently at the stage of my life where i have no clue who i am. I know the things I like, i like the smell of rain. I like when my hair is curly. I like when my cat cuddles with me. I like when you tell me things you like about me and things you don't. I sing phantom of the opera songs while I am showering. I will proudly tell you that harry potter made me who i am today. I can't say life has always been easy because i do not think anyone can truthfuly say that.  I drink out of novetly cups and wear fuzzy sweaters. I wear dresses,skirts and bows. I wear skinny jeans and converse. I like to make people laugh. Im dramatic. I am so many things, but i still don't know half of them.