Friday, November 25, 2011

I taste your love.

Hello! I have an ISP right now, for those who don't what that is its when instead of a substitute in grade twelve they just give you your work and then you can go. It only happens sometimes, just depending on your teachers. I had two ISP's today, so my day was kind of pointless. I had photography, ISP,spare, lunch, ISP and msip. No 'real' classes so i'm just relaxing at home. However i'm going back before school ends so i can take the bus up town and hand out resumes. I really need a job, I need to save up for school and a trip to D.C that the grade elevens/grade twelves are going on.

I took outside photos today in my backyard. I love it, it was little cold but the snow melted this morning so it wasn't that chilly.  Its one of the things I love about the new house, the cute little patio and path. Its not a big yard but its nice and private so i'm not that embarrassed to take photos hehe.

The smirk I made in this picture reminds me of the ever so lovely Coco Maria, she is one of my favorite bloggers.

Skirt, Belt, Cardigan, Shoes: Thrited.  Shirt : Winners...I think hehe. Tights(both pairs): Wallmart

The funny thing is I'm wearing double tights today, so I'm super cozy. Both pairs are sweater tights so super warm too! Oh and I don't know about you but I always have problems with getting my tights to stay up. I always have to get the smallest size so it will fit me around the waist but then the legs don't fit as well and slide down. So here a tip to get them to stay up. Its super silly but works, wear a pair of undies over top of your tights. It makes you feel like a superhero
and keeps your tights up. Win/win. 

Have a nice day!

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